What Treasure Mapping Can Do For You

In 1981 I attended a class by Mary Katherine MacDougall on Treasure Mapping. During the class we each constructed a Treasure Map for the thing or event we were desiring to manifest in our lives. It was fun and at the same time it gave us the opportunity to make decisions as to what we truly wanted to appear. It gave us insight into the realm of conscious manifestation and what it could present in our lives.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What Treasure Mapping Can Do For You

A Treasure Map is actually a road map indicating the path to a desired destination.  It can help us make decisions as to what we actually would like to manifest in our life.  It is forming a partnership with the source of all life to bring into being the things you

We use a large piece of paper that can be placed on a door or wall so it is in our line of vision often during the day.  On it we will place pictures that represent our desires and/or goals and we will also write statements of faith that God, the Universe, our Guides and Teachers, will bring forth those desires and/or goals that are for our highest good.

The map can be any size.  It can be put on a wall, folded and placed in a book, put into a notebook.  It may not have pictures...it may consist of written desires only.  It will be a very personal project and you may find yourself modifying it a number of times before you actually accept it as the map of your choice.

I have made a number of different maps over the past 30 years:

     >     Map for personal development
     >     Map for physical items such as an auto, etc
     >     Map for improved health
     >     Map for new residence
     >     Map for the right job

The list can be endless...as endless as our needs, desires and goals.  But the bottom line has always been being thankful for blessings I have received, the blessings I experience and enjoy on a daily basis and the blessings that are forthcoming for my highest good.

Gather your old magazines to cut out pictures of things you would like or places you would like to live.  It would be good to have colored pencils to write with on your map...green for prosperity, purple for spiritual growth, blue to help with communication problems, etc.  I will give a few examples of statements I have used on my maps and types of pictures I have used and the outcome of the maps.

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