You can Treasure Map for many needs, health problems, goal setting, spiritual development, requesting enlightenment, an automobile, a new job, a residential move, assistance for family members or friends (always when making up a Map for others, permission should be can be requested directly or through meditation), assistance in releasing old thought You can see you are not limited in what you can map for.
We must put aside any thought that it is a waste of time and energy to paste together some pictures we have cut out of a magazine. This project can turn into an undertaking in which we can obtain the assistance of our Angels, Guides and Teachers, Universal Wisdom and God. The more creative we become with the map the easier it will be to visualize the outcome we want.
The treasure map can be made in any form that appeals to you. It can be made in any shape or size, or you can put it in a scrapbook that you can tote with you. If you have a number of Maps you are working on, a scrapbook is perfect. A separate page for each specific desire or goal. If you are using a notebook as your scrapbook, it is really convenient if you can find one that has several separate sections with a pocket preceding each section. You can keep notes in the pockets. The map can be simple or elaborate. It will become a focus for concentration on desired goals.
Begin your map project with a large piece of poster board or your scrapbook. Color plays a role in mapping. If you are mapping for financial security I would suggest using green or gold. The color best used where family is involved would be pink. If you are asking what your purpose is in this realm, blue would be appropriate. If you are seeking higher spiritual development use an amethyst or purple color. White can, of course, be used for any map. Colored pencils or crayons can be used to write your affirmations and/or requests on the map in lieu of colored poster board. Try to find colored pictures that represent your desires as the senses seem to react faster when color is used.
In the center of your paper, place a picture of whatever or whoever represents a form of security and or safety to you. It can be a picture of Jesus, a cross, an ascended master (I often use a picture of the ascended master Kuthumi), whatever or whomever you consider to be either the source of your good or whose philosophy you are most in tune with at the time. Most times I have included, across the top of my map, a reminder that The Lord Is My Shepherd. I also include thanks for the blessings I am receiving. My center picture varies according to the type of map I am constructing but there is always the notation, somewhere on the map, where I invoke the protection and guidance of a divine authority.
When I do a map for money, I cut out pictures of money, of banks, of checkbooks (I paste dated checks made out to me in whatever amount I am asking for) of invoices marked paid in full, etc. I also put statements of what the money is to be used for. I give thanks that my needs are fulfilled.
Whatever the reason for your Map, you must give very specific and detailed information concerning your needs. You should include amounts, colors, sizes, deadline dates...any information that describes in full the purpose of your map. Let your imagination come into play and have a cheerful, expectant, happy attitude as you make your map. It needs to be a fun exercise.
The one statement I always include on my Map is "This or something better that is for my highest good".
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